PurposeFused partners with The GC Index®

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PurposeFused and The GC Index® join forces to combine purpose & potency for impact

We’re super excited to announce that PurposeFused has formally joined the partner community of The GC Index®, to deliver more potency with our purpose.

The GC Index® is a unique and innovative People Assessment that organizations can use in all of their business processes and decision making. Specifically, the tool empowers people to articulate why, how and where they can make the most impact in an organization. As such, it is the only Personality or People Diagnostic tool that measures how individuals and teams impact and contribute to the entire business cycle, using a really simple and easy to adopt language (see image below).

Common language of Impact and Contribution (The GC Index® website)

With PurposeFused acting as a Purpose Partner to organizations, teams and leaders focused on using purpose to optimize people’s performance and impact, we have integrated The GC Index as a natural addition to our suite of products. The GC Index® now helps power two of our primary programs (click links to view more): Live and Lead with Purpose (Individual purpose), and Three Whys Team Performance Program (shared purpose).

“I am personally excited to welcome PurposeFused into our global GC Partner Community, their focus on empowering organisations, teams and individuals to be at their best and make a difference, fits ‘hand in glove’ with our philosophy here at The GC Index®

 By using The GC Index® to power some of their solutions, PurposeFused have further augmented their proposition to use purpose to inspire people to optimize their performance and impact. This is an exciting and meaningful partnership, not only for PurposeFused clients but for our global GC Community as a whole.”

Nathan Ott
Chief Polisher @ The GC Index®

At PurposeFused, we kick-off with a very busy 2022 with two client programs in January & February focused on taking nearly 40 business leaders through The GC Index® profiles as part of our individual or team purpose programs.

As part of this process, participants are going through bespoke digitized self-reflection and ideal-self projection activities, combined with weekly coaching and workshops that result in them discovering and articulating their purpose, creating one page game plans which define them as their authentic best selves and more detailed action plans to identify next steps, to make that happen. At this stage, we introduce The GC Index® to add potency to their purpose by informing how they can most effectively share their purpose, build the right support teams, and apply apply their purpose to their personal and professional ambitions and leadership styles, so their plans jump off the page and into reality.

“Purpose and potency are intrinsically linked and are reflected in The GC Index® profiles for individuals, teams and organisations: A GC Index profile brings an awareness and focus to energy for purposeful impact. Our partnership with PurposeFused will change people’s lives.”

Dr John Mervyn-Smith

Dr GC @ The GC Index®

We can all be intentional about what we spend our time on, and how we intend to ‘show up’ in those time slots. Together, PurposeFused and The GC Index help folks truly understand how, when and why they are at their best so they can focus and amplify their energy and enthusiasm for the things that matter most. This means higher motivation, engagement, and ultimately performance and impact with their teams.

To learn more about how our PurposeFused solutions and The GC Index®, could optimize your performance and impact, please get in touch!