Unleashing Your Potential: A Senior Leader’s Guide to Purpose-Driven Freedom

By Mark Griffin

In the dynamic world of senior leadership, finding freedom often seems elusive amidst the demands and pressures of the role. However, true freedom is not about escaping responsibilities but about aligning our passions and impact with purposeful application. This July, I’ve been sharing a series of videos inviting you to explore how living your purpose can set you free, enabling you to lead with authenticity, enjoy work-life harmony, and approach each day with renewed energy and presence.

The Equation of Purpose: Passion + Impact + Application

The journey to freedom begins with understanding your passions—those activities that energize and fulfill you. By projecting these passions forward, you can envision the impact you want to make on “Me” (yourself), your “We” (friends, family, colleagues, community), and the world. The next step is to apply this understanding with a clear game plan, set priorities, establish boundaries, and maintain focus. These four pillars will guide you through this transformative journey.

Crafting Your Game Plan

For senior leaders, taking the time for self-reflection is crucial. Engaging deeply with your purpose can be a game-changer, allowing you to reframe your perspective and ignite the regenerative energy needed to thrive.

Revisiting our equation: Purpose = Passions + Impact + Application

The first two elements form the basis of self-reflection and forward projection exercises that enable you to craft your One Page Purpose—a document that encapsulates your aspirational vision, desired impact, and guiding principles. It includes your five-year destination, three-year goals, best-self principles, and daily focus. This plan isn’t about identifying pain points but embracing possibilities. It’s the beginning of applying your purpose by aligning your intentions with optimal impact, integrating your different life spheres (whole self, whole life), and providing the clarity you need to prioritize meaningful experiences and relationships.

Setting Clear Priorities

Effective leadership requires more than resilience and commitment. It demands a purposeful approach to priorities. Your One Page Purpose helps align immediate actions with long-term goals, ensuring that daily tasks contribute to your broader vision.

We suggest identifying priorities that align with 12-month commitments, mapping them to your One Page Purpose. This involves the 4Ds:

  • Do (including Do More): Focus on tasks that align with your strengths and purpose.
  • Dump: Eliminate tasks that no longer serve you.
  • Delegate: Assign tasks that can be done by others.
  • Defer: Postpone important tasks not aligned with the current season.

Then, identify actions for the next 90 days. This purposeful approach ensures that your efforts are directed towards what truly matters, setting you free to be your best self.

Establishing Boundaries

Setting the right boundaries is essential for maintaining focus and optimizing performance. Boundaries are the lines that define your playing field, allowing you to concentrate your energy and perform at your best within those lines. Boundaries avoid multi-tasking, minimize disruption and interruption, set expectations, and ring-fence priorities. Your One Page Purpose provides a clear framework for these playing fields, so you can outline each in alignment with your commitments.

To establish effective boundaries:

  1. Identify the commitments that need boundaries.
  2. Determine the actions required to enforce these boundaries.
  3. Implement them by integrating them into your calendar, communicating them to relevant stakeholders, and sticking to them.
  4. Review and refine.

For example, under one of my “Delegate” commitments for 2024:

  • Minimize Website Maintenance
    • Sphere: Work
    • Priority: Increase productivity around things that matter most
    • Boundary: Create the 1st draft, review the final draft, delegate design, writing, posting, and editing.
    • Actions: Communicate with VA, provide VA training, website resources, and access.
    • Implement: Schedule as needed, test.
    • Review and refine together.

By setting these boundaries, you create a structure that supports your purpose and enhances your ability to lead effectively.

Maintaining Focus

Focus is where the rubber meets the road. It is the critical element that turns your purpose, priorities, and boundaries into meaningful action. I consider focus in three dimensions: state, context, and capacity.

  1. State: Promote focus by setting clear goals, finding intrinsic rewards in tasks, balancing challenge with skill, and maintaining a sense of control over your inputs in alignment with desired outcomes. These four areas narrow and increase the intensity of your focus.
  2. Context: Optimize your environment by planning tasks, prioritizing them, setting conditions to minimize distractions, and adopting a positive mindset that focuses on progress versus perfection.
  3. Capacity: Manage cognitive load by not multi-tasking, staying motivated (alignment with #1 above), practicing mindfulness to notice when you’re headed off track and reset, and building confidence to sustain progress and momentum.

By honing your focus, you can enhance performance, well-being, and impact, aligning your daily actions with your broader purpose.


Living with purpose transforms your leadership journey. It aligns your passions with impactful actions, provides clarity through a game plan that considers your whole life, prioritizes meaningful tasks, sets effective boundaries, and sharpens your focus. Starting this July, embrace the freedom that comes with living your purpose and unlock your full potential as a senior leader.